Porcelain Crowns (Caps) And Bridges


Porcelain Crowns and Bridge

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a slim covering that encases the whole tooth surface to provide a desired shape, size and colour. A crown also helps to reinforce existing tooth structures which can’t be restored through fillings or any other strategies. Crowns can be used to tackle broken, cracked or rotted teeth, as filling substitutions or as a corrective upgrade to a current tooth. Crowns are also used to protect teeth that had root canal treatment done.

There are various sort of crowns, but porcelain crowns are the most well known. Porcelain is naturally coloured to look similar to your teeth, which makes it ideal for aesthetic matching. These are very durable and long lasting, but may eventually wear.

What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is a near-permanent installation that will repair missing teeth. There are a few sorts of bridges, so you and your dentist will choose which bridge technique which is most appropriate to your individual prerequisites.

A “Traditional bridge” is normally made of porcelain intertwined to metal to improve their strength. This kind of bridge is comprised of two crowns that are attached to multiple crowns on existing teeth to “bridge” the hole.

What Does Getting A Crown Or Bridge Involve?

A crown or bridge method, for the most part, requires two visits. On the first visit the dentist prepares the tooth and takes a special impression in order to create a custom fit. On the second appointment the dentist will try the crown/bridge in and will cement in your mouth permanently. The new crown or bridge will give you a strong bite.

Maintaining your bridges and crowns through regular dental hygiene appointments is vital to their longevity. If you are experiencing any issues please  contact us for an appointment.

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