Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome or TMJ is a common issue that affects a wide variety of individuals. TMJ is characterized by serious migraines, varying degrees of jaw pain, grinding teeth, and an irregular ringing in the ears. Most of TMJ sufferers are informed that the root cause of these issues is something that a dentist can usually treat.
The effects of TMJ are severe and can significantly interfere with daily life. The desire to help our patients live a happy, pain-free life is at the heart of our dental practice. Dr. Stefani can test, analyze, and devise a treatment plan to address the cause of your TMJ problem.
Reasons to treat TMJ
People who suffer from TMJs report that their symptoms for the most part are worse during times of anxiety, and that extraordinary episodes of the condition can prompt neck pain and dizziness.
The most common cause of TMJ is the misalignment of the teeth. It is possible for your dentist to realign or change the teeth without the need for painful or expensive surgeries, and this realignment will help to stop the headaches, jaw pain, and loss of equilibrium.
The grinding of the teeth is a strong indicator of TMJ and usually happens during the night. Grinding your teeth will in the long run dissolve the enamel of the teeth and lead to more extreme dental problems later on. Untreated TMJ is one of the prime factors in degraded jawbones and loose teeth.
It is vital for anybody encountering the symptoms of TMJ to visit a dentist for an assessment.
What does treating TMJ include?
TMJ could be a consequence of a few unique issues. We will completely analyze the jaw region, the patient’s bite, take X-rays, and review the patient’s history to make an exact analysis and prescribe treatment.
Once a there is a firm diagnosis, there are several options that can fix the issue.
- A custom shaped bite guard can be made to stop tooth grinding at night.
- A bite relationship investigation might be suggested
- We can also give recommendations to manage stress and anxiety and as result decrease the TMJ pain.
- As a final option, we might recommend muscle relaxants. Often, the best choice is to change the positions of the teeth and completely realign the bite.
This treatment is particularly effective as it reduces TMJ symptoms and may also enhance the appearance of the teeth.
Realignment includes observing the relationship between how the upper teeth meet up to the lower teeth.
Repairing the TMJ might require restructuring efforts and/or modification of existing teeth.
It is not a difficult process, and it is one we can performed with excellent results on many occasions. We will be happy to answer and questions and talk about side effects, alternatives, and medicines.